Work and Research Experience
2017 – To date: Assistant Professor, Research Institute for Future Media Computing, Shenzhen University, China
2013 – 2016: PhD in Computer Science, College of Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, HK
2012 – 2013: Algorithm Engineer, Research Institute of Navigation Technology, CETC, China
2009 – 2012: Master in Circuits and Systems, School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, China
2005 – 2009: Bachelor in Electronic and Information Engineering, School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, China
Representative Publications
Y. Zhou, S. Kwong*, H. Guo, W. Gao and X. Wang (2016), “Bilevel Optimization of Block Compressed Sensing with Perceptually Nonlocal Similarity”,Information Sciences , 360, 1-20.
Y. Zhou, S. Kwong*, W. Gao and X. Wang (2016), “A Phase Congruency based Patch Evaluation for Complexity Reduction in Multi-dictionary Based Single-Image Superresolution Reconstruction”, Information Sciences, 367(C), 337-353.
X. Zhang, Y. Zhou*, Q. Zhang, V. Lee and M. Li (2016), “Problem Specific MOEA/D for Barrier Coverage With Wireless Sensors”, accepted to IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
W. Gao, S. Kwong*, Y. Zhou and H. Yuan (2016), “SSIM-Based Game Theory Approach for Rate-Distortion Optimized Intra Frame CTU-Level Bit Allocation”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 18(6), 988-999.
M. Wu, K. Li, S. Kwong*, Y. Zhou and Q. Zhang (2016), “Adaptive Two-Level Matching Based Selection for Decomposition Multi-Objective Optimization”, accepted to IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation.
H. Guo*, D. Goldsman, K.L. Tsui, Y. Zhou and S.Y. Wong (2016), Using Simulation and Optimization to Characterize Durations of Emergency Department Service Times with Incomplete Data, International Journal of Production Research, 54(21), 6494-6511.
Y . Lei, M. Gong*, L.Jiao and Y. Zhou (2015), “An adaptive Coevolutionary Memetic Algorithm for Examination Timetabling Problems”, International Journal of Bio-inspired Computation, in press.
Y. Zhou, S. Kwong, Q. Zhang and M.Wu (2016), “Adaptive Patch-based Sparsity Estimation for Image via MOEA/D”, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation.
Y. Zhou, S. Kwong, W. Gao, X. Zhang and X. Wang (2015), “Complexity Reduction in Multi-dictionary based Single-image superresolution Reconstruction”, International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition (ICWAPR), 146-151.
Y. Zhou, S. Kwong, H. Guo, X. Zhang and Q. Zhang, “A Two-phase Evolutionary Approach for Compressive Sensing Reconstruction”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, in press, 2017.